10 Steps to Become a UX/UI Designer in 2021


If you’re interested in pivoting into design, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and not know how to start a career in UX. While everyone’s design journey may look a little different, here’s our guide of ten steps you can take to become a UX designer in 2021. 

1. Figure out what kind of design you’re interested in

Design is a huge umbrella that encapsulates a countless amount of jobs, like UX strategist, UX researcher, UX copywriter, and product designer. Getting a solid idea of what kind of UX/UI design you’re interested in will help you as you start your career. 

2. Get familiar with design tools

You might be wondering “what are UX design tools?” There are several tools that designers use on a daily basis such as Adobe XD, Balsamiq, Sketch, and Invision App. Understanding how to use various design tools will make the process of learning and creating your first designs A LOT easier. If there’s a specific company you want to work for, you should also check out their job listings to see what software they prefer. You’ll be much more likely to get hired if you’re already proficient in the tools they use.

3. Look at the world through a designer’s eye

They say that good UX design goes unnoticed. Now that you have the knowledge and necessary skills to understand design, start paying attention to how websites and programs you interact with everyday use design. Where did they put their logo? What do the buttons you click look like? What catches your attention first? Seeing examples will help you think of new ideas and understand how designers make choices.

4. Take classes

The best way to learn about design is to take classes! The structure of a class and having resources that are real people you can ask for help will be both motivating and informative. Going back to college can be very expensive, but luckily there are online classes, like our Ideate Labs course, that are much more affordable while still giving you a personalized and engaging experience.

5. Find a mentor

People often overthink finding a mentor. Maybe the better way to phrase it is to find a role model. Everyone, especially skilled designers, are very busy and if you reach out to someone and ask them to teach you about design, you’ll probably scare them away. Instead, find a designer you admire who shares their experiences with their online audience, whether it be through a blog or social media. Pay attention to what kinds of events they go to and what programs they use. If there are any designers in your area whose work you feel inspired by, you can also try reaching out to them to see if they’d be willing to meet for coffee or Zoom to talk about how they started their career.

What UI UX job best suits your personality and work style?

Discover yourself.

What UI UX job best suits your personality and your work style?

6. Read (or listen)

There are an endless amount of books about design that you can read. Try to surround yourself with design to find inspiration and learn about trends. If you don’t have time to sit down and read a book, podcasts are a great way to learn while multitasking. 

7. Build your portfolio and resume

One of the most important steps is building your portfolio and resume so that employers can see your work! If you don’t have any design experience, it will be difficult to find a job. Some great ways to build your portfolio are internships and redesigns. Smaller companies may be willing to hire you as an intern which will help you learn what a normal day for a designer is like. If internships aren’t an option, try redesigning a platform you use often that you think needs to be fixed. You could also even try creating a prototype for a brand new idea! 

8. Network

Like in any industry, networking can determine whether or not you get a job. Get involved in your local design community! Attend design events and reach out to anyone you know or any mutual connections in the industry. Not only will you get insights from people with experience, you could also be a step closer to landing your dream job!

9. Learn secondary skills to set yourself apart

Being a UX designer requires you to wear many different hats. While understanding the hard skills and basics of web development are certainly important, soft skills are what will set you apart while applying to jobs. Some important skills to learn are communication, public speaking, and time management. As a designer, you’re going to have to collaborate with various stakeholders to ensure that you understand what they want. You also might be working on multiple projects at a time, so being able to manage your time well is a huge advantage.

10. Apply!

Once you’ve learned enough about design and have a solid resume and portfolio, it’s time to start applying to jobs! Websites like Indeed or our Ideate Labs job board are great ways to find UX and UI openings. 

Take the first step in starting your UX career today!

Sign up to be part of our cohort at Ideate Labs and become a confident UI/UX designer in just three months! Ideate Labs offers a personalized high touch learning experience. We meet one on one with students each week to work through any problems they’re facing. Unlike other programs, we let students pick their own project topics that they can turn into a side hustle to demonstrate valuable senior leadership skills.


The Number 1 Way to Grow as a UX/UI Designer


A Career in UX/UI Design: Your Blueprint in 2021